Saturday, January 17, 2009

Government of Malaysia Servant.

Surprise, I am facing a really hectic week. Everything seems to move very fast for me. On 15 of January 2009 I already become part of Government Malaysia Servant by being a lecturer at politeknik (Malaysia Technical Institution) and the next day on 16 January I report my duty at Politeknik Behrang, Tanjung Malim, Perak. Actually I have applied for this position long time back on June 2008, have been going for interview last October 2008 and I get my letter of offer just last week 10 January on Saturday.Education field will be my blood; I will carry on my career into this field. Teaching politeknik student will be more challenging for me, as this student IQ level is not same like university student. However it not a big deals, I will teach base on their understanding. I will be teaching completely different subject from Unikop, here at politeknik I have to teach economic subject, promotion, human resource and involve in student ko-kuriculum activities. I need to be fully prepared.I will give my best to the student to whom I will be teaching. I always pray for my student success. I hope the knowledge that I give to them will be benefited for their whole life. “I will give my best and I also expecting great performance from my student”.
People always thing that by joining a government agency we will be in our comfort zone. For me it is not the end of my life there is still many more I have to achieve in my life. One think that I really worried right now is my postgraduate class. My class is evening track from 6.30pm to 10.00pm, Monday to Wednesday. Kuala Lumpur to Behang is 70km where it takes me about 45 minutes. Am I able to make it………


  1. Congratulation... wish u all the best

  2. hi....wah sama batch nih..but i think im older than you....dah start coming Monday..wish me luck n bravo..u dah further study...

  3. Yah....look like we are from the same batch. Welcome to education field

  4. haha..
    me..soon to be..
    tunggu TPm nie..blan dpan baru nak panggil interview..
    nasib baik la setahun je masters..
    puan 2tahun setengah?? lamenye MBA...
    fac sy part time klas 2 hari je slase n rabu...6.30-11.30...
